Ite ite mora

एते एते मोरा
बैस रे कीरा
चारु खात्ता बुरु खात्ता
बुकुळे चे पाणी पित्ता
भुर्र म्होणु उडून वत्ता

The meal time rituals had been established. Plug in the nursery rhymes and feed the child while the same songs droned on and on. Anything to make the child eat! The first few times I relied on my digital childminder, it didn’t feel so bad. After all, the child was learning something new. But as time passed by, it turned into a mindless mealtime addiction!

एते एते मोरा to me is a song of the past generation – the pre-internet generation when mothers and grandmothers would take the kids into nature and try to distract them by showing them the birds(pakki), the cat(billu), the butterflies,squirrels (channi) – anything that could divert the kid’s attention.

It was one of the first songs I tried teaching my child. The action for each of the lines is as follows:

Drive the forefinger of the left hand into the centre of the right hand palm.
enact sit with both palms facing down
show eating with hands
show drinking action
enact flying
There are various versions of this song. Some of the words are almost Marathi (एते एते seems like a concatenated version of ‘ithe ye’)which is not surprising since there is a marathi version animated here

The video below shows the konkani enactment. The lyrics are slightly different to what I have heard.